Sunday, December 16, 2012

Make money online : with Speak

Come up with a unique and attractive message that will become the main voice of you as a professional speaker. Bloggers who get paid for blogging, use the exact same method to set themselves apart from hundreds of thousands of other bloggers who blog about the same topic. Once you have that, people will hire you to speak as people like to hear original ideas and not the same old rehashed stuff.

Most professional paid speakers are hired because they have a story, a personal story that sets them a part from other speakers. It gives them a unique ability to appeal to the audience, where the audience truly enjoy listening to them. So, you have to dig deep to bring out your unique and interesting personal story that can separate you from the pack.

Grow interest amongst your family and friends, neighbors, co workers, your community at large and so on. Start speaking and creating demand about a niche you are an expert about. Gain some credibility with them. That is how demand is born.

If you really can not spot any event that you can speak at, you can simply start your own event. That’s actually even better as it gives the chance to create a community around your message and your theme. Perhaps you could create an event where talented and good speakers like you who are just starting out and can not find gigs elsewhere, can speak.

Even if you can not find events to speak at, you still have a choice to stay active – simply record a 10 minutes or so lecture and upload it to YouTube. That will also help you create a community around your YouTube Channel, and how knows, maybe one day you could get paid by YouTube.

These platforms allow you to instantly get yourself known by the masses. All you have to do is upload a few videos on YouTube, tweet your message and create a Facebook page for it. Then, promote yourself through blogging and networking with other people. you will be amazed how quickly your audience will grow, that is assuming you truly have something interesting and different to say.

Learn from the pros, see how they do it, their movements on the stage, their tone and so on. A few good places to watch truly amazing paid speakers are IgniteShow and Ted.

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